Feed Container Title
Software Developer Hi, my name is Sherbaz. I am passionate about creating beautiful and functional applications and websites which solve real world problems.
5 Years of
9 Languages
121,000 Lines of
Code Written
Roles: Team Leader, Lead Developer Project Alpha is a 2D platforming game for iOS and Android written in C# and created in Unity. With a compelling storyline, original music, sound effects and gameplay, it’s a adventure waiting to be had.
Project Alpha
Roles: Developer The Grid is a communitiy management oriented web application. It provides multiple services such as scoped community chat while automating transactions, and administration tasks.
The Grid
Roles: Sole Developer One More Store is an iOS shopping application written in Swift, it provides a clean interface for the consumer browse items based on category, add items to cart and purchase them.
One More
Developer Blog
Deep Dive
CSS, Web, Design
With many CSS development standards for deciding the best nomenclature to style your elements. A-bem seems to be the solution that enables great organisation in projects. The standard branches off of the older BEM standard, which was widely used amongst developers. The idea is that you break your Webpage down into blocks and elements, and you can add modifiers to your CSS … Read More
Custom Input
C#, Unity, Game Development
The Unity Engine comes with a defualt input manager. However, the fact is that it is very poor when it comes to remapping keys on the fly. The input manager keys can only be remapped at the start of the instance of the program. This has lead to many developers creating their own bespoke input managers. Custom input managers are challenging to develop due to the event based paradigm … Read More
Growing as
a Developer
Experience, Software
I have noticed many people wanting to become better developers, but not doing anything to improve themselves. I will preface this post with the fact that I do not claim to know everything about development and am too still growing as a developer. However, I feel like the following insights might be able to help newer developers get involved and start acheiving their goals sooner than later. … Read More
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